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    • 射芯机结构特点和操作保养
    • 本站编辑:浙江省机电设计研究院有限公司发布日期:2019-07-24 12:05 浏览次数:
    Everyone knows that the injection moulding machine is the core-shooting machine. It uses compressed air to uniformly inject the moulding sand into the sand box to pre-compact, and then apply pressure to compact. So its working pressure is still very large, so how to ensure the service life of the core shooter? What are the structural features of the core shooter that help to ensure the service life of the equipment? What should we pay attention to in daily operation and maintenance?
    I. Structure and Characteristics of Core Shooting Machine
    1 射芯机的壁厚
    Wall Thickness of 1 Core Shooting Machine
    Thin-walled box structures with flanges and ribs are mostly used in metal core boxes. On the premise of guaranteeing strength and service life, the core-shooter reduces the wall thickness and strengthens the rib thickness as much as possible. Usually, the wall thickness of small and medium-sized core boxes is 8-10 mm, and the wall thickness of large core boxes is 12-14 mm.
    2 射芯机的芯盒凸缘和耐磨护板
    Core box flange and wear-resistant guard plate of 2 core-shooter
    In order to prevent wear and prolong the service life of the core box, a widened and thicker flange is arranged on the sub-box surface and the sand filling surface of the core box. The flange surface of the aluminium core box should also be equipped with wear-resistant guard plate, which is usually made of Q25A or 30 steel with a thickness of 3 mm and fastened to the core box with countersunk screw.
    3 射芯机的活块
    3 core-shooting machine's moving block
    The movable block is usually set in the core box of the core shooter, which obstructs or is difficult to core out. The common connection and fixing forms of movable block and core box are sliding seat type, dovetail groove type and positioning pin type. The sliding seat type is widely used.
    II. Operation and Maintenance of Core Shooting Machine
    Are you able to do all of the following?
    1 开动射芯机前,应先检查射芯机的润滑装置是否完善,并按规定加油,检查各紧部件是否紧固,各操作手柄是否处于零位(空位),气阀动作是否灵活,管路有无漏气,然后打开总气阀放掉管路中的积气和积水。
    Before starting the core-shooting machine, check whether the lubricating device of the core-shooting machine is perfect, refuel according to the regulations, check whether the tightening parts are tightened, whether the operating handles are in zero position (vacancy), whether the air valve is flexible, whether there is air leakage in the pipeline, and then open the main air valve to release the accumulated air and water in the pipeline.
    2 射芯机使用时要认真观察运转情况,在操作中应经常用空气吹净润滑部位和运转部位的砂粒,严禁各润滑部位粘砂。
    2. When using the core-shooter, we should observe the operation carefully. In operation, we should often use air to clean the sand grains in the lubricating and running parts. It is strictly forbidden to stick sand in the lubricating parts.
    3. The worktable should be cleaned up after each modeling work, so that the second modeling work can be started.
    4 射芯机使用完毕后,要将手柄回到零(空)位,关闭各阀门,清扫设备,打扫现场,要保持设备各滑动(转动)部位的清洁和润滑,认真收检工具,模具。
    After using the core shooter, the handle should be returned to zero (empty) position, the valves should be closed, the cleaning equipment should be cleaned and the site should be cleaned. The sliding (rotating) parts of the equipment should be kept clean and lubricated, and the tools and moulds should be carefully checked.


